Saturday, November 30, 2019


Me being a tourist when I first moved to Chicago

I admit, I wasn't a perfect angel and had my ups & downs but I was more and able to do more before I got sick.

In Chicago waiting for a train

My Associates Degree I worked hard for.

I worked hard, managed stores in Chicago, I climb ladders, lifted and carried items much bigger than myself. I kept a clean house, decorated for every holiday and graduated from college with an Associates Degree in Business. 

Me shopping for Halloween at Walgreen's

Me with three of my minions

Halloween at Grainger (I worked there for 3 yrs before my illness and was let go)

I could stand and sit for hours on end depending what my job required of me. I used to ride the L-train and catch buses in Chicago to go to work, to the store, to take care of my grandson when he was little and ill. I could walk miles down on the Navy Pier and everywhere else without a care in the world. I've helped and been there for friends, family and strangers, donated to causes and even walked for Breast Cancer.

Me at one of many stores I managed in Chicago, IL

My Cousin & I at Breast Cancer Walk

I ran around and played with my grandchildren, could run up and down stairs and take a shower without needing a nap. I used to go grocery shopping without having to worry about losing the use of my legs. I loved taking the kids trick-or-treating, to the fairs and Williams Tree Farm to see Santa. Now I can't do any of those things without getting dizzy and nauseated. 

Playing outside with my babies

At the Apple Hut

Holding my newest minion

I wanted everyone to know I was and did a lot more than I do now, that I'm not lazy but truly ill. I mourn the person I used to be, I miss her very much and would give anything to be her again but there is no cure for me. I struggle with this everyday.

Went to Portage Theatre in Chicago and met Svengoolie

Me with Swiss Colony's Chris Mouse

My business card with Staples in the Tech Department

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Well, good news is my cortisol and bone marrow test came back normal bad news is we still do not know why I have leukocytosis. The investigation continues!! Sometimes I wish we could just nail all that is wrong with me down even if it is bad so at least I know and can start on treatments. My hematologist said it could be many different things as well as different autoimmune diseases. I won't see him again for awhile for a follow-up on blood work or sooner if more goes wrong with my normal blood draws at the clinic. 

This will be continued at a later time....

Monday, November 25, 2019


So, recently (10/28/2019) I had to see a hematologist/oncologist because my blood work over the past few years have been consistently out of wack. I was diagnosed with "Leukocytosis" which means that for some reason my bone marrow is constantly producing more white blood cells than what is "normal". I have also been listed as an "Immunocompromised patient" meaning that because of my illnesses, medications or combination of both my immune system is very weak making it difficult to fight off infections. I MUST BE VERY CAREFUL-even the slightest infection can carry the risk of hospitalization or death.

I know this sounds odd seeing how my white blood cells are supposed to take care of the infections but they are not doing their job and when I go back to see my hematologist/oncologist he will be able to figure out why this is happening and what we can do about it.

I also have a constantly high RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width). This means that my body isn't producing enough red blood cells and the ones that it is producing are larger than normal. This too can have a high impact on my health and is normally caused by inflammation and or malnutrition. This can lead to cardiovascular disease and cancer of several organs.

As I know more I will provide updates on this. It's scary and the amount of emotions that go along with this is overwhelming. 

To be continued....