Mixed Hearing Loss

So...I have what is called "MIXED HEARING LOSS". It's a combination of both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. Sensorineural Hearing Loss occurs when the inner ear or the actual hearing nerve itself becomes damaged. This loss generally occurs when some of the hair cells within the cochlea are damaged. This is not medically or surgically treatable but hearing aids can help. Conductive Hearing Loss occurs in the outer or middle ear where sound waves are not able to carry all the way through to the inner ear. 

Types of Hearing Loss

I will have to go in for a VNG, videonystagmography, which is a series of tests that evaluate the health of the vestibular (balance portion of inner ear) and my central motor function. VNG testing can help to uncover the root cause of vertigo, dizziness or balance issues. It will see where the signal between the cochlear nerve and my brain is getting messed up and why. 

VNG-Balance Evaluation

I also have to be fitted for hearing aids, they are hoping it will help with my hearing, dizzy/vertigo and balance issues. In combination with this I was also diagnosed with "Abnormal Balance".

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