Saturday, May 2, 2020


It has been awhile since I've posted, between my new diagnosis's, COVID-19, pain, flares and all of my other health issues I haven't been able to think straight. I'm tired all the time too and that doesn't help matters at all. So since February I have been diagnosed with Meniere's Disease which is a Vestibular disorder and have lost 31% of my Vestibular system.

To read more on these: 

I have a B12 deficiency, Osteoporosis, Facet arthropathy. My whole body is literally falling apart and there isn't much I can do about it except continue to take my meds, get my injections and pray. It's to painful for physical therapy, I have a hard time taking a shower or making myself something to eat. Then there is the mental aspect of what all this is doing to me. Depression, anxiety and just felling totally worthless is very real for me and now with COVID-19 I am scared to even go out.

To read more on B12 deficiency, Osteoporosis, Facet arthropathy:

I have a lot of new symptoms that I need to see a neurologist about, chronic headaches, sometimes so bad that it turns into a migraine. I have a lot of neck and jaw pain as well, my legs hurt all the time and get weak very quickly. I don't have much of an appetite, I eat because I have to. Will start on a new treatment next week, Orencia infusions. Enbrel isn't working the way it ought to so I am hoping this will help bring me some sort of relief and I will still get my Methotrexate injections.

I will try to update as much as possible as well as give my feedback about my personal experiences with above diagnosis as well as my new treatment. But I suppose this is it for now...been at a loss for words and can't type worth a damn either.

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