Friday, January 17, 2020


Those of us dealing with a chronic illness/pain are all to familiar with the whole "Good News/Bad News challenge and while good news is really great you just know there is that per-verbally shoe that is about to drop.

My lower back/hip pain has gotten so bad that I can not walk a block or stand long enough to make something to eat without extreme pain, numbness and losing the ability to walk without holding onto something. Had a bone density test done to rule out osteoporosis and osteopenia. Good news that my test came out normal, Bad news is we still don't know what is causing it. Could it be my Rheumatoid Disorder/Disease? Could it be Ankylosing Spondylitis? By the time anyone get's this all figured out it will probably be to late because:

A). I'm a woman-It is a known fact that when it comes to anything medical they either think a woman can't get the same illnesses as a man or because when it comes to their medical studies that's how they learn, by using the male form. Men and women are biologically different, if we weren't then why aren't the men having the babies?

B) A "White" person is also biologically different than a "Black" person and if you are of mixed race like I am then you are really screwed. Again when it comes to many years of medical science and studies all baselines are that of a white person. Granted we are all "HUMANS" however their are differences in our DNA structure.

Take Ankylosing Spondylitis for instance, according to medical professionals it's a predominately "Male" disease and this is not the case. A.S presents differently in women just like signs of a heart attack is different in women so it's harder to diagnose and is often overlooked. 

The blood test HLA-B27 is not the same in white people as in black people. More blacks are diagnosed with A.S without having the HLA-B27 gene where as the majority of whites that have the HLA-B27 gene have A.S.

So not only are "Autoimmune Disorders" difficult to diagnose as a whole no matter what race you are it's even that much harder to diagnose in a female/female of African-American decent or a female of mixed race. I have genes from both parents, don't the doctors ever take that in consideration?

To read more please visit: Ankylosing Spondylitis

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